Access World pioneers the handling of Sulphur in Beira, Mozambique!

It was the very first time in history that a Bulk Sulphur vessel has docked in the port of Beira, and we were happy to show our expertise in handling this commodity! The vessel docked in the port of Beira on June 24th 2019, with 27,500 tons of Sulphur on board. The arrival of this vessel opens a new chapter for Access World and the Mozambique Port Authorities, Cornelder.

Health and Safety training

Access World, together with Cornelder, made a huge investment to ensure the offloading of this first Sulphur vessel was as smooth and as flawless as possible. The investment focused on the implementation of appropriate Health and Safety regulations in the Port of Beira.

Access World was instrumental in assisting Cornelder with site visits to our Richards Bay Sulphur facility, allowing the Port authorities to see how advanced and proficient we are in handling the Sulphur commodity. With the correct procedures, equipment and expertise, we were able to accommodate the Bulk Sulphur Solution through the port of Beira.

Cornelder, in turn, provided Access World Beira with a warehouse facility that accommodated approximately 9000 tons of the Sulphur. The balance of the warehousing for this commodity was moved outside the Port, to a warehouse provided by a third party. Access World accommodated the arrival of the Bulk Sulphur Solution through the port of Beira, by having expertise on the correct procedures and by providing the right equipment for handling the commodity. After berthing, the vessel took six days to offload and complete, with Access World ensuring smooth sailing of the clearing, handling, re-bagging, storage and transport elements in an efficient and effective manner.

Our expertise in handling this commodity has not gone unnoticed, and we are expecting our next Bulk Sulphur vessel to arrive in Beira mid-October 2019. We are ready to offload another 27,000 tons of Sulphur with great enthusiasm!

Want to know how Access World can take care of your commodities in Africa? Contact us now.

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